Safe and Effective Chiropractic Neck TreatmentsThe team at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities is often asked by clients, “What happens when you get your neck adjusted?” A simple answer is that when your neck is treated by our staff, you are likely to feel immediate pain relief and also a possible reduction of stress. When you have your neck adjusted by our staff as part of a chiropractic treatment plan, the neck adjustment you receive will relieve pressure and pain in your neck.

A neck adjustment helps to realign the joints in your neck. Clients who receive neck adjustments from our staff often report an immediate and positive mental/psychological effect as a result of the lessening of pressure in the affected joints. The body’s natural pain reliever—endorphins—are released by the action of adjusting the spine, which accounts for the immediate, positive feeling associated with the chiropractic adjustment.

Safe and Effective Chiropractic Neck Treatments

When our clients ask questions about what happens when we make chiropractic adjustments to the neck area, we also reassure them that these adjustments are entirely safe and effective. Some of our clients have some anxiety or fear about the prospect of having their spine adjusted. We understand that for chiropractic first-timers, there is the possibility of reluctance and hesitation related to spinal adjustment. According to the American Chiropractic Association, however, neck adjustment is a very safe procedure. When applied by our staff, who are experts in the field, neck adjustments should not be cause for concern among our clients who are about to undergo their first adjustment. It should also be noted that we are happy to explain our methods of adjustment and provide any and all information about our procedures that you may have. We want you to be empowered with knowledge, and if you have questions or concerns, we will help.

Reduce Neck Pain with a Chiropractic Adjustment

If you have been experiencing pain, discomfort, or stiffness in your neck, we want you to feel confident that coming to see us at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities will be the first step toward reducing, if not eliminating, the pain you feel. Neck pain can be debilitating. When we experience pain in the area of the neck, we become quickly aware of how frequently we use it and how painful it can become to make even a slight movement of the head. If you have any questions about neck adjustment or chiropractic care in general, please call Advanced Medical of Twin Cities at (763) 541-1280.