Benefits of Chiropractic after an Auto AccidentAuto accidents are terrible. Whether you are in a major or minor accident, no one considers being in an accident ‘a good time.’  Truly, it’s not like anyone walks out of their house in the morning and plans to get into a wreck. At Advanced Medical of Twin Cities, we hope that you never have to experience an auto accident. However if this does happen to you, it’s nice to have a plan of action. There are many benefits to seeking Chiropractic care after an auto accident and our team of professionals is always here to help.

The Sympathetic Nervous System

Also known as your fight or flight system, the sympathetic nervous system will keep your adrenaline running for many hours. While this unique characteristic of our human bodies is fascinating and extremely helpful after a traumatic event, it can also delay even serious issues. Once people begin to calm down and our nervous system goes back to normal, it’s often said that the real pain begins to set in. Most commonly in accidents, whiplash can occur. Seeking treatment for auto injuries that may not have shown up yet can aid in avoiding long-term, chronic pain.

Reducing Inflammation

After an auto accident, any muscle, ligament, or joint affected by the trauma can feel like it is on fire. Through chiropractic care, we work to realign your spinal column and promote healing. When the spine is realigned, your body is able to release anti-inflammatory substances that aid in the healing and inflammation of your body. Best of all, no medication needed.

Natural Healing after an Auto Accident Twin Cities MN

In today’s world, we have a lot of backwards thinking. All too often, we skip many steps in the process of healing. This is especially true after auto accidents. When you are injured, many medical providers will prescribe you drugs. Anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants and even narcotics are among the top three drugs prescribed after an accident. However, none of those options get to the root of your issue. None of them actually heal. Instead, it masks your symptoms and provides temporary relief. This can also be a risk for some who may become more dependent on these drugs. A major benefit of chiropractic care is that we address the root cause of the problem. We don’t just want to mask your symptoms. With chiropractic care after an auto accident, pain relief and healing are achievable.

To learn more about the wonderful benefits of chiropractic after an auto accident. Call or visit Advanced Medical of Twin Cities. For more information or to make your appointment, call today at (763) 541-1280.