primary-benefits-of-cupping-therapyAt Advanced Medical of Twin Cities we’re constantly looking for additional holistic ways to help our patients deal with varying levels of chronic pain. We’ve recently added cupping therapy and have seen great results from many of our patients. Cupping is a complement to many of our other treatment methods that are used in our chiropractic clinic to help our patients break free from a life of pain. Read on to learn more about cupping therapy and how it can help with your pain.

What Is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping was actually developed thousands of years ago and is still being used in many different countries around the world. Cupping is done by placing cups on the skin and creating a vacuum to suck the air out of the cups which in turn pulls the skin into the cups. This process is thought to increase blood flow to the area and help patients dealing with pain and inflammation. Many patients also feel much more relaxed after cupping therapy.

Benefits Of Cupping Therapy

There are a number of health benefits to cupping therapy. This is why this type of holistic therapy has been used for thousands of years. Cupping originated in China where there is a strong belief that health conditions are caused by an imbalance of yin and yang. Many people in this region of the world feel strongly that cupping therapy helps to improve the balance of yin and yang while also reducing pain and improving blood circulation to pain-riddled areas of your body.

Below are a number of other benefits of cupping therapy:

• Improve circulation
• Reduce pain
• Remove toxins in the body
• Increase range of motion
• Reduce pain at trigger points on the body
• Treat digestive issues
• Help reduce the occurrence and severity of headaches
• Improve energy levels

Interested In Learning More About Cupping Therapy?

If this primer on cupping therapy has piqued your interest why not give the team at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities a call today. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about cupping and to schedule an appointment with one of our cupping specialists. We also offer a number of other holistic treatment options to deal with chronic pain including chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, yoga, nutrition support, and much more. Give our office a call today at (763) 541-1280 to reach one of our providers or to schedule an appointment.