Soft Tissue Treatment Near MeAdvanced Medical of Twin Cities provides soft tissue treatment in Golden Valley, MN. Soft tissue treatment usually consists of a combination of injury assessment by our staff, followed by treatment of the injury and management of pain and dysfunction associated with your injury. Soft tissue includes the tissue that supports, connects, and surrounds parts, structures and organs in our body. Advanced Medical of Twin Cities has expertise in providing expert treatment to people with injuries to their ligaments, tendons, fascia, nerves, and of course muscle tissue. If you are experiencing pain this is not normal and we can help.

Types of Soft Tissue Injuries

There are many different types of possible soft tissue injuries. Strains, sprains, and impact injuries may be the most common kinds of soft-tissue injuries, but they are not the only kind. Advanced Medical of Twin Cities has the experience and expertise to treat them all and help you get back to full health. Because there are so many ways to incur a soft tissue injury, it is important to select a healthcare provider whose staff has rigorous professional training and the experience and qualifications to individualize your treatment plan.

Effective Treatment for Soft Tissue Injuries in Golden Valley, MN

Being treated as an individual has been an important factor for our clients. Our clients quickly develop trust in our staff to recognize the unique dynamics of their injury that allows for more streamlined and clear communication. Below are our primary means of treating soft tissue injuries.
Massage therapy. Strained muscles of the lower back tend to respond well to massage therapy, as do other muscle groups that are causing you pain. Nearly all strained muscles will respond well to our various massage techniques. A well-timed massage releases toxins that have built up in the muscle and allows the body’s immune system to jump start the healing process.
Acupuncture. The ancient practice of inserting extremely fine needles at specific points on the body is a great complement to massage therapy. On its own, acupuncture encourages the body’s self-healing properties and has been shown to reduce the amount of time needed to heal soft tissue injuries.
Chiropractic treatment. If the soft tissue injury you have suffered has affected your body’s alignment, chiropractic care can ensure that no undue stress is placed on the affected soft tissue.
If you are in any amount of pain or discomfort from a soft tissue injury, Advanced Medical of Twin Cities will be able to help you. Call us at (763) 541-1280 to schedule an appointment.