Dealing With The Effects Of Work-Related Stress

Dealing With The Effects Of Work-Related StressAs the nights get colder and the days get shorter, the fact that the fall season is upon us becomes very evident. Many people enjoy the fall season, smelling the fireplaces get fired up, feeling the crispness of the air, and watching the leaves turn to their warm palette of reds, yellows, and oranges. There are many people though, millions of Americans, that begin to get extremely stressed in the fall months. The summer is over, and kids are back to school Read Full Post

Putting Some Extra Spring In your Step

Spring is a great time to get outside and put pep in your step. The sunshine and warmer weather can be strong motivators for people to go outside and play. They bring the benefits of natural vitamin D, fresh air, longer days, and the potential to do more. It can also offer changes to your fitness routine as you become more active. As your energy and activity levels rise, your nervous system will be tested in many new ways. Gardening, walking, running, bike riding, organized sports and pick-up games become part of your routine and all these activities will be more enjoyable if your spine and nervous system are healthy Read Full Post

Coping With Work-Related Stress

Coping With Work-Related StressThis is the time of year when we all may feel a little more stress due to the demands of the holidays. Unfortunately, stress at work can be a year-round issue further aggravated during these months. Everyone can benefit by learning skills to manage anxiety and fear at the workplace. The team at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities offers natural, effective stress relief, while incorporating the following strategies:

Relaxation helps reverse the physical effects of the fight-or-flight response. For instance, progressive muscle relaxation helps reduce muscle tension Read Full Post

Dealing With Stress Holistically

Dealing With Stress HolisticallyHas stress taken a hold of your everyday life? Do you struggle each day dealing with anxiety, worrying or sheer exhaustion? If you aren’t careful, this stress can begin to affect you negatively in areas like your work, at home or even socially. Our team at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities wants you to know that you are not alone when it comes to managing your stress. We are here to help you deal with your stress holistically. Read Full Post

Benefits of Therapeutic Massage

Benefits of Therapeutic MassageThe conventional understanding of the benefits of massage can sometimes be incomplete. Massage therapy is typically described as the manipulation of your muscles to relieve tension. Therapeutic massage is actually far more involved than this definition communicates. Therapeutic massage is more than just a way of relaxing tense muscle tissue. Advanced Medical of Twin Cities offers massage therapy as both a complement to a chiropractic treatment plan and as a stand-alone treatment on its own. Massage therapy can improve circulation Read Full Post

The Potential Effects Of Stress

The Potential Effects Of StressProlonged stress can not only worsen the symptoms of other medical issues, but also can be problematic on its own. The negative effects of stress and inflammation are now better understood than ever before, and we are seeing the results of the toxic combination in everything from depression and anxiety to cardiac problems, high blood pressure, headaches and other serious conditions. Of course, it is important to note that prolonged stress does not always lead to more serious illness, but it is important to pay attention to the role stress has in your life so that you can work to reduce it or even eliminate the stress in your life. Read Full Post