Chiropractic Care For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Arthritis Sufferers Find Relief From Chiropractic CareCarpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where the median nerve that runs from the forearm into the hand becomes compressed. Carpal tunnel can cause significant pain and result in numbness that makes it difficult to use your hand properly. Carpal tunnel affects approximately 3% of the population in the United States. If you have carpal tunnel, you are well-aware of how uncomfortable the condition can be. Fortunately, there are effective treatments that do not require surgery. Chiropractic care can help relieve the pain of carpal tunnel and can often improve mobility and range of motion in the process.

The first signs of carpal tunnel often include a feeling of pins and needles in the wrist, hands, and fingers. You may notice some numbness from time to time, especially after using Read Full Post

How Weather Affects Joints

How Weather Affects JointsAs the weather changes, joint pain is a symptom experienced by many. There are several theories as to why pain surfaces during weather changes. Overall joint and bone pain are one of the most common symptoms reported. The correlation between changing weather and bone/joint pain has been studied for years, and while no conclusive evidence exists, there are many people who strongly believe the weather plays a role in their pain.

Theories behind weather and joint pain often cite barometric pressure as a primary reason for joint pain. Barometric pressure is the weight of the atmosphere that surrounds us, and as the weather changes, the barometric pressure drops, which can cause joints to swell Read Full Post

Chiropractic Help With Arthritis

Chiropractic Help With ArthritisArthritis can be a debilitating disease and interfere with your everyday life. If you are seeking a safe, natural treatment to manage the painful symptoms of arthritis, a chiropractic approach can be an option. Chiropractors are trained to use many techniques to help ease pain and tension that can be specific to your needs, including arthritis. The main goal in chiropractic care at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities is to alleviate pain by adjusting in the spine and skeleton to relieve stress and correct alignment and balance within the body.

Arthritis is categorized as inflammation of one or more joints. Symptoms of arthritis can appear suddenly or develop over time. Common symptoms of arthritis involve the joint and include pain, limited motion, swelling, and stiffness. Read Full Post

Non-Invasive Treatment For Headache Relief

Headaches can range from annoying to debilitating, and it is estimated that more than 45 million Americans battle frequent migraines or tension headaches. Some headaches can be traced back to a specific action (missing a meal, stress, dehydration, or alcohol consumption) and other times, headaches can come on without warning and cannot be connected to anything specific. Treatment for headaches can range from over-the-counter pain reducers to changes to diet and exercise and changes to sleep schedule. Advanced Medical of Twin Cities has helped many clients finally find relief from headaches with a comprehensive and non-invasive treatment approach.

Natural Migrane Headache Relief

If you experience multiple headaches each week (or month), then you should consider seeking treatment rather than relying on over-the-counter medicines Read Full Post

Holistic Treatment For Lower Back Pain

Holistic Treatment For Lower Back PainSome pain in the body can be tolerated, but lower back pain is hard to live with on a daily basis. So much of our daily movements require the use of your back and if you are experiencing ongoing lower back pain, chances are that you are in consistent pain for the majority of each day. If you are looking for a way to achieve lower back pain relief without having to rely on pain medication or an invasive procedure with a long recovery, it is time for you to stop by Advanced Medical of Twin Cities. We offer effective treatment, centered around holistic methods, to help you experience pain relief in your lower back. Read Full Post

Dealing With Stress Holistically

Dealing With Stress HolisticallyHas stress taken a hold of your everyday life? Do you struggle each day dealing with anxiety, worrying or sheer exhaustion? If you aren’t careful, this stress can begin to affect you negatively in areas like your work, at home or even socially. Our team at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities wants you to know that you are not alone when it comes to managing your stress. We are here to help you deal with your stress holistically. Read Full Post